Financial Aid
Types of Financial Aid
Gift Aid
Self-Help Aid
Gift Aid
Self-Help Aid
NEW Requirement for All students
FAFSA/CADAA Graduation Requirement
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) determines a student’s eligibility for financial aid to assist with a student’s attendance at a college or career school. California Education Code (CEC) § 51225.7 requires a local educational agency to confirm each 12th-grade student’s completion and submission of a FAFSA or CADAA unless the student is determined to be exempt or an opt-out form is completed.
For guidance on whether you should complete the FAFSA or CADAA learn more here.
Why apply?
Apply for government grants, loans, and work study all in one application
Access to free money for college
You don’t know your eligibility until you apply
It can only benefit you!
As ‘insurance’ in case your family’s income falls.
Can benefit high-income applicants to need-aware colleges.
This opt-out form permits a student to opt out of the completion of a FAFSA or CADAA form graduation requirement. Completing this graduation requirement opt-out form does not prevent you from applying for the FAFSA or CADAA.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Application opens Oct. 1
Due Mar. 2nd for CA
FAFSA is federal aid determined by collecting student and parent(s) income, assets and household information. Calculates the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), a measure of the family’s ability to pay for college. It’s FREE to fill out. It takes about 45 minutes to fill out.
Who can apply:
U.S. Citizen
Permanent Resident
Certain Eligible Non-Citizens
T Visa Holder
What you will need to fill out an application:
FSA ID (For FAFSA ONLY-student & one parent, if have SSN)
Driver's License, if you have one
Social Security Number, if you have one
Alien Registration Card, if you have one
ITIN, if you have one
List of College, you are applying to or considering
Most current bank statements
Any records of untaxed income
Prior-prior year tax information (1040s and W2s)
The FSA ID is a digital signature used to sign the FAFSA. SSN and Date of Birth needed.
▪Student creates their own
▪Parent creates their own
▪FSA ID Help: (800) 433-3243
Alternative to FSA ID for Parents
If a student is a FAFSA filer but the parent does not have or is unable to create an FSA ID, they can print a signature page by selecting Print Signature Page on the “My FAFSA” or “Signature Status” page.
Use regular mail (tracking or special handling may result in the signature page not being processed), the completed signature page must be mailed to the address listed on the printed page.
Signature pages are rejected if they don’t contain applicant or parent signatures, or if the signatures on the page don’t meet specific rules and guidelines.
Find Answers to Common Questions About the FAFSA® Process: apply-for -aid/fafsa/filling filling-out/help
▪ Online assistance and contact information for Federal Student Aid
Information Center (FSAIC):
− 1-800-433-3243
− help-center/contact
Application opens Oct. 1
Who can apply:
Have a valid or expired DACA
U Visa holders
Have Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
Meet the non-resident exemption requirements under AB 540, SB 2000, SB 68
CSS Profile
Application opens Oct. 1
Some private colleges and non-CA public college systems, as well as some scholarship competitions, ask for additional information such as home equity, income and assets from non non-custodial parents, retirement plans, etc. CSS is not used for awarding federal or state financial aid, only aid from the colleges/universities directly.
▪ Cost -$25 for registration & one college, $16 for additional colleges
▪ Online Registration only
Types of scholarships available:
Merit Aid
Need-based Aid
Identity-based Scholarships
Government Scholarships
Athletic Scholarships
Activity-based Scholarships
Military Scholarships (occasionally extended to family members)
Employer-sponsored tuition assistance
Where to Find Scholarships:
SMUHSD List of Scholarship Opportunities (including site specific opportunities)
Immigrant Rising (info for AB540 and undocumented students)