I pulled this content from the Student Handbook
The Middle College program is a rigorous program, in which high school juniors and seniors simultaneously enroll in high school and college courses at the College of San Mateo. A major goal of the program is to prepare students for college level work. While we recognize that some students may enter the program with lower GPAs due to various reasons, the goal and expectation of the program is that students will improve and achieve at a higher level while attending Middle College and remain in good academic standing throughout their time in the program. Students and families should be aware that, if a student does not experience greater success or if a student’s performance worsens, then this program is not likely an appropriate placement. Any student that is not capable of supporting this component of the program will be recommended to return to their home school or appropriate alternative placement.
Good academic standing means….
The student earns grades of C or better in their high school and college classes.
The student maintains enrollment in a minimum of six college units each semester.
The student does not have a pattern of withdrawing “W”or being dropped from college classes over multiple semesters.
The student’s behavior and academic integrity are above reproach.
The student will meet the high school graduation requirements without the need of more than one credit recovery course by the end of the spring semester of the student’s senior year.
Taking at least one in-person college course each semester enrolled in Middle College
Middle College students must take three required high school courses during each semester they are enrolled in the Middle College program. The courses adhere to the SMUHSD-approved curriculum and satisfy high school graduation requirements.
Should a student not meet these expectations, Middle College staff may engage in a number of academic interventions, and may include an Student Success Team meeting, as a final intervention, in which the group assesses student placement in the program, and/or implements an Academic Contract which outlines areas that will contribute to the student’s success in the program. Should the student not meet the requirements as listed in the contract, junior students may be required to seek alternative pathways to graduation, which may include a return to their homeschool; senior students may not be able to participate in the Middle College commencement ceremony and senior celebration activities. Additionally, students may be required to complete supplemental or additional work.